Could your Will be contested?

Inheritance disputes have been rising in recent years – so what can you do to safeguard your Will? Unfortunately, there is no fail-safe way to protect your Will from legal challenges, but see below the steps you can take to reduce the chances of a successful...
What is a letter of wishes?

What is a letter of wishes?

What is a letter of wishes and what are the benefits of having one? A letter of wishes is a document drawn up to accompany your will. Unlike a will, it is not legally binding, but it provides guidance for the people dealing with your estate and/or any trusts that are...
Just why is it so important to make a will?

Just why is it so important to make a will?

This isn’t the most pleasant of subjects to think about, we know, but with 56% of people in the UK NOT having a will, we thought it would be helpful to share the basics of why everyone should have sorting their will right at the top of their priority...
The pitfalls of not having a valid Will

The pitfalls of not having a valid Will

If you do not make a Will, then your estate may not pass to your choice of beneficiary, however, there are also several other less obvious pitfalls. What can happen if someone dies without leaving a valid Will? The estate of anyone who dies without making a Will...