Mirror wills vs Mutual Wills

Mirror wills vs Mutual Wills

  It is often believed that Mutual Wills and Mirror Wills are the same thing. But legally, they are very different and should not be confused. In both cases, they are made by couples who have similar wishes – usually this is leaving everything to each other and then...

6 things EVERYONE should have organised!

No one wants to think about their own demise, but there are plenty of steps you can take to make matters easier for your loved ones. At an already stressful time, a little bit of organisation now can leave them with one less thing to worry about. A survey from 2020...
Would you get baptised to inherit £20,000?

Would you get baptised to inherit £20,000?

Legal firms have seen a rise in “trust clauses” or conditions specifying when an inheritance is paid, as parents and grandparents attempt to control their wealth from beyond the grave.  Experts say soaring property prices, longer lifespans and a rise...
Tips on using gifts to reduce inheritance tax

Tips on using gifts to reduce inheritance tax

Are you aware that when you use gifts as part of your final inheritance tax planning, not only will you receive the joy of giving your loved ones a gift, but you can even reduce your inheritance tax liability. Understand the definitions of a gift A gift could be...

Let’s talk about business LPAs

Most people understand the benefits of a lasting power of attorney (LPA), which allows an individual to nominate someone to make decisions on their behalf if they become incapacitated in some way. But not everyone knows what a business LPA is and how it can be used to...